Interview with Aimée Marie Bejarano

Published 2018-08-23.
Describe your desk
My desk *sigh* Oh boy!! It has 2 laptops, a desktop, lotions and writing material and books to my right and medicine, books and a calendar along with candles and usually about 4 different drinks to my left. lol.
Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I grew up in California until I turned 14 then we moved to Texas. I actually don't think it did anything for my writing lol.
When did you first start writing?
I first began my writing journey when I was 16. I was home schooled at that time, and I was given an assignment. I had to write a one page creative writing story. Well, I have no idea how anyone can write a story, even a short story in one page, so I did what I could. And funny enough, what I could do was listen to the directions and write part of the story and leave it hanging. When I handed it to my mom to check she flipped over the page, blank lol. "Where's the rest of the story?" I said, "The assignment in my book said one page and to have you check it." "But it's really good!" Then she handed it to my big sister- this would have been the point where I bite my nails down to the nubs lol. The apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree because she did exactly what my mom just did asking where the rest was. I explained that I did have more to the story but I didn't write it down. They encouraged me and from that day I knew I was supposed to write. And I diligently did. Switched from stories to drama scripts, to stories again lol.
What's the story behind your latest book?
Ah the latest book and the story behind it. It's entitled, "My Name Is Not Saul" and it's part two of the Angelica Series. It is about the Apostle Paul from the book of Acts in the Bible. It's the journey as recorded of Saul of Tarsus, later the Apostle Paul. Of course it's historical fiction but I follow the story line of scripture closely.
Many people are into the supernatural and paranormal. Where can we listen to your radio interview about your published ghost story "Possessions of the Human Kind" Saga Chapter One, and hear all about the supernatural w/ghost & hauntings questions?
Many are. And it is a controversial subject-to say the least. I answer many of the questions here. You must forward past the first guest, Maggie White, about 1 hour and 6 minutes or so past her is my interview. I look forward to any questions anyone may have.
Do you pay attention to reviews good or bad?
Yes I do. However, lately I've been doing my best by ignoring them. There is a great deal of criticism in the book world where I think reviews kind of take a left turn from giving a review to basically say that I could do this story better even the editing better than what is here.
Rather recently, I was bashed pretty harshly for my Gateway Series. I understand if the person doesn't care for the story, but to write this rude of a review and say every horrible reason you didn't even finish the novel is beyond me. What's interesting to me, is I was bashed years ago for Part One of the Gateway Series, saying they refused to finish it etc. (Due to working with someone they didn't like even reviewing the novel first without reading it, then getting it for free and changing the review). On my Facebook messenger, this person apologized to me repeatedly yet the review remained for years until recently- I am rather thankful this person took it down.
I have noticed that several of my lowest star reviews, for a couple of my novels, when you look at that reviewer, they hardly have any novels reviewed, no picture or info, anonymous, and they are following only ONE AUTHOR. I find it suspicious. Can it be that author they follow? I wonder, it may or may not. I personally have spent enough time analyzing who it is and choose to move on lol.
I think there is a great deal of competition, criticism, and flat out jealousy in the book world. So, the answer to the question is, I do but I don't. I have even been misquoted on some of my reviews but I never address it. The important thing is to get the story the best you possibly can and send to the editor. Once it is all done you release it into the world in hopes you may touch some lives. A wise author told me once, "Just let the reviews sit and let it sit with the reader. That's on them." She was right to not worry about it. So I don't lol. Getting a thicker skin is a must with this business. Let it wash off you as water off a ducks back. Aspiring authors and newbies need to know that this will happen but to brush it off. Use it to your encouragement. They read the book, if they don't care for it or bash it, it's on them not on you. You keep on writing! Keep going! I am!
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Simply put, I was exhausted of wasted hours, days, weeks, months on submission guidelines and outlines to submit to literary agents and publishing houses. I recall spending almost all day working on one. I was so very proud of it, it was a winner only to send the email and literally- I'm not kidding here- the agent emailed me back in about 60 seconds rejecting it. Well, I knew he didn't read it all considering his hefty guidelines he had on his website. I was done.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
Smashwords has indeed helped with reaching more readers through the Smashwords outlet. I'm thankful for that.
What do your fans mean to you?
Fans are readers, and they mean the world to me. Even if they get the novel and don't care for the book as much as I'd hoped, I still am blessed. It's like coming home from church and changing out of your church clothes and throwing on comfortable clothes or your pajamas.- Okay, okay, maybe not like that but BETTER!
What are you working on next?
Currently, I'm working on a "how to" book dealing with chronic pain. It's very near and dear to my heart because I suffer from several diseases and ailments and I live every moment of every day in pain.
I'm also working on a new paranormal novel which is based on a vivid dream I had a couple years ago.
Who are your favorite authors?
Well, I will name a couple. I love: Faye Kellerman, Preston & Child, and also Mary Higgins Clark. There's so many wonderful authors including indies but we could be here all day lol.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
I would have to say the Lord inspires me urging me to get up despite the pain. Get up and keep going. Today is a beautiful day! Of course, I also have 7 yes 7 four-legged kids and they whimper and cry and give me a bunch of kisses to get up so that's pretty good motivation as well lol.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes I do. In fact, it's on the back burner to bring out and redo when the time is right. Shockingly, it's a novel with 3 short stories.
Where can we find your radio interview about your historical fiction Bestselling Kindle, "Angelica, You Have Chosen Well" Part One of the Angelica Series?
You can listen to the 15 minute radio interview here.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I love: gardening, walking, playing with my dogs, watching scary movies, and reading.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
Ads with the cover and the synopsis grabs me so much that it's absolutely necessary at that moment to grab the book. Usually, I see them on Facebook but mainly Twitter.
What is your writing process?
I write whatever comes to me. I have to be in front of my desk, with the TV. on in the background- a kind of white noise. Then I bang away on the computer. I think about it and write, write, write. I read what I wrote then go over it and continue on with the story until I finally have the first draft. After that, that is when the real work begins- including the nascent headaches lol.
What do you read for pleasure?
For pleasure reading? Usually a crime, thriller, suspense, and now a cozy mystery. Yes I said it! I have discovered last year the cozies. And I love em lol.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Usually a Kindle.
What book marketing techniques have been most effective for you?
The most effective to date has been Twitter. You suddenly are everywhere and everyone sees what you tweet. It's amazing. I love Twitter world.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
The greatest joy of writing is able to glorify Jesus in all I write. No matter the genre! He is reason for all and He is joy of my writing.
How do you approach cover design?
A cover design usually is what I've imagined in my mind's eye. I give it to my illustrator and she catches that vision bringing it to life even better than I ever imagined.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
That would have to be, "In His Steps." I wept so much. The sacrifice Christians made in that novel, and the compromise they refused to do. Makes one think about us as Christians today.
What are your five favorite books, and why?
I can name one novel I recall as a kid. I don't remember the author but it was entitled, "In His Steps." It's a story about sacrifice and devotional through the lives of a small congregation when the pastor challenges them for thirty days, before they do anything decisions etc, stop and ask, "Would Jesus do this?" It's a no holds barred, refusing to compromise kind of novel. I wept during several parts. It remains with me to this day.
Another favorite which just because it's last, means nothing. It's the Bible. God's Holy, inerrant word. I live by it and search the word daily. It's my light and my health to my spirit. I can't be without it. My absolute favorite.
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