Smashwords Interviews


What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Getting back in of course ;)
When did you first start writing?
Age 3. Bits of paper with even ittier bittier bits of crayon scribbles..
Published: February 17, 2024. Read Full Interview

Percy Stevenson

What is your writing process?
Strange I know, but I work backward, from the conclusion to the plan, and then bring it to a conclusion, the problem with all that is that the characters haunt me, night and day, Lady Helen in particular whispers in my ear all the time, madness, right?
Augustus Talbot starts it all, how he thinks and how he plans, everything springs from his and his history.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
The stories of the Royal Navy, Nelson in particular always inspired me, service to the Nation was in his heart and soul.
Wow, we have had so many heroes in our little country, my generation missed out on a world war, but we were ready to serve.
Published: February 15, 2024. Read Full Interview

JG Millan

¿Cómo comenzaste a escribir?
Mi primera novela fue un poco autobiográfica. Yo pasé una situación particularmente intensa entre los años 2011 y 2013, y, en lugar de registrarlo como un diario o como un registro de acontecimientos, no sé por qué me decidí por hacer una novela. Tuve que cambiar algunas cosas, y ajustar los tiempos para hacer una historia de ficción, pero creo que me quedó bastante bien para ser la primera. En realidad, yo pensaba que sería también la última, pero un par de años después, viendo una película, tuve una inspiración para hacer otra, que fue "El Lucero Oscuro". Esta es una novela costumbrista, que describe ciertos sucesos dramáticos que ocurrieron en la localidad manchega de Valdepeñas, en España.
Sin embargo, tú siempre has dicho que tu ópera prima fue "Amor Incondicional"
Bueno, en realidad es la novela de la que estoy más orgulloso. Al menos, es en la que he invertido más tiempo. Es la historia de una banda de rock, de sus integrantes, de las relaciones entre ellos, y sobre todo, de la tumultuosa relación sentimental entre dos de sus miembros. Es además, como dijo mi hijo, una novela con banda sonora incorporada, pues, aparte de la historia en sí, también hay enlaces a canciones que yo mismo compuse y que muestran de alguna manera el desarrollo de la historia. Los hipervínculos son totalmente operativos y se puede escuchar la música e incluso descargarla. Es algo bastante original, aunque no deja de ser accesorio, lógicamente. Lo principal es la historia en sí misma, que, modestia aparte, está muy bien conseguida.
Published: February 14, 2024. Read Full Interview

Andrew P. LeBel

What are your five favorite books, and why?
My first novel I wrote, Master William, was created from a sign I saw someone holding while driving to work. "Will work for food"
That's my second favorite book.
My favorite book is The Love of Whitney. Based on a bunch of coming-of-age friends. I can't really tell you the plot, because it's something you'll have to read in order to understand.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
Samsung tablet
Published: February 13, 2024. Read Full Interview

Elaine Rose

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
It was a Halloween story about a witch with illustrations and everything. I was in first grade. I stared early.
What do you read for pleasure?
Just about anything that catches my attention. Usually supernatural in nature, but if it has an interesting story line or seems funny I'll give it a shot.
Published: February 2, 2024. Read Full Interview

Sasha Pruett

What is your writing process?
First of course is the idea. It can be a question rumbling around in my head that I can build a world around or a moment in real life that sparks a story or a dream that was too good to pass up. Then I usually write a short treatment describing the idea. It could be a short sentence or it could be a thirty to forty page outline. Once I've chosen it as my next book I'll write a rough draft on loose leaf paper, in a notebook, or on my computer depending on what's available to me at the time and how I'm feeling. I like to mix things up and keep things fresh as well as explore different techniques to see what works for me. Once I have my rough draft completed I'll transfer it onto my computer (if needed) and flesh it out to a fuller version. I used to print and edit, retype, print and edit, but after tripping over countless editing errors on my tablet using Calibre I switched to converting my books into epubs using Calibre and reading through them that way so that I can find and fix the issues. Plus it saves on paper and ink creating less waste. I usually edit 3 times to help me catch all the inevitable errors that happen when you write, you know wash, rinse repeat.
How do you get your ideas? What inspires you?
About 95% of my story lines come from my dreams. I'm a lucid dreamer which allows for amazing experiences that I flesh out into stories very easily.
Published: February 2, 2024. Read Full Interview

Wysteria Black

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I was in 2nd grade and our assignment was to write and illustrate a story. It looked like most children's books with a few lines and a large illustration on each page. That book was called Kayla to the Rescue. It has actually been heavily edited and re-titled: Saving the Unicorn Princess. You can read it now on Wattpad!
What motivated you to become an indie author?
The first "novel" I completed I wanted to share with people. I worked really hard and started compiling a list of agents when I realized that even though I had written it along with a course on how to write a novel, apparently I hadn't written a novel. I had in fact written a novella and no one wanted to publish that.
I was determined that my book see the light of day and thus Soldier King was published.
Published: February 1, 2024. Read Full Interview

Depraved Diamond

What made you start writing?
I always enjoyed writing, even as a kid. I would sit down with a stack of blank paper and begin writing. However, I never figured out the editing process until being an adult, so my stories never got completed. My passion for writing reignited when I was working as an ESL teacher. I became fascinated with how the English language works and how word choice can influence the emotions of the reader.
Why do you write erotica?
There are many reasons I write erotica, so I will try to only mention a few. I am fascinated with sexuality and sex acts. It is carnal, intimate, and the acts can be as varied as the characters that do them. What I like most is describing the interactions between characters with a sexual backdrop, allowing my readers to fantasize about which character they would want to be or replace.
Published: January 24, 2024. Read Full Interview

Zypher Gibson

What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
It gives me peace and comfort - giving me the opportunity to express what I think and think outside the box to explore more strategies of the world and life we live.
What do your fans mean to you?
They mean a lot. Over the years, I cherish them always, however, lately, I have been in my own bubble, away from everyone. This happened for several reasons, but one of the main ones is because I have upset a few - and I thought distancing myself will make them feel better.
Published: January 22, 2024. Read Full Interview

Edward Izzi

Where did you grow up, and how did this influence your writing?
I am from a middle class family and grew up on the East Side of Detroit in the 1960's and 1970's. This different time frame from so many years ago has allowed me to tap into my past and my childhood as reference for some of my storyline material.
With a full time job and a business, when do you have time to write?
I am usually up before four o'clock in the morning. I usually do my best writing with a cup of expresso until I go to work, every day. Also, I have realized that I can be the most creative after a disturbing night's sleep with any demons who may come to visit.
Published: January 16, 2024. Read Full Interview