Interview with Dawood Mamoon

Published 2024-02-25.
What motivated you to become an indie author?
Well I have a PhD in Economics. Once I read in a Magazine that every good thing that has been done in this world is because of a Woman. So, I wondered why I would like to create a difference in this world. I have two lovely daughters and I want this world to be a better place than it is. In few thousands of years, we have already achieved a lot as a human race. But still issues like equity, digital divide, poverty, happiness still looms and economists like me work on these themes. Few years ago, I thought about it, and I wondered how I can explain the human story in simplest of the ways using my expertise in Economics that is to understand human behavior, nevertheless. So, I started writing. And I have been writing since 2016.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
I am a New Bee to Smashwords. I am hoping to become a successful writer.
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
Well in my writings I am usually telling my story. When I am not telling my story, I am telling my perspectives about socio economic issues. Many a times I feel that people may misunderstand me. For example, capitalism is concerned with Wealth creation. Socialism is concerned with equity and despise material exploitation. I am a great proponent of nations, individuals and businesses to contribute in wealth creation and I also write about the ways where wealth creation can be ethical and doesn't lead to material exploitation of any group of people. But more importantly, real wealth is not material opulence, but it is culmination of human values like trust, kindness and compassion. In my writings I am trying to find ways whereby market structures can consolidate and promote human values. In one sitting, people may take an impression. in case I defend capitalism that I may as well be biased against labor rights or have no compassion for people who are poor. Thereby, I have written manuscripts where I have spent more than a year making a comprehensive argument that brings the right context to an Economist's understanding of money and its importance in real life.
What do your fans mean to you?
Well, a kind smile from a fan or any gesture of appreciation would give me enough energy to try to write another 100 page story about our common interests and that can create a better world for my fans and myself.
What are you working on next?
Well, I am working on few projects. One is about compiling some short stories that I have been writing. I have spent nearly 10 years writing short stories about my life and my understanding of the modern and ancient world. I am also working on New Economics that needs to be understood in age of Generative Artificial Intelligence like Chat GPT language model.
Who are your favorite authors?
Well Paulo Coelho is one. Then I like autobiographies and best is from Mohandas Gandhi. As an Economist I love Amartya Sen, Jaffery Sachs, Dani Rodrik, James Robinson, Brank Milanovic, Thomas Piketty, Daron Acemoglu who are all Economists and written some great books. Then I like Francis Fukuyama.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
Well even if I am too lousy and lazy to move out of bed after few days without sleep while I am working on a book project, I would always remember what Arnold Schwarzenegger has told his fans like me to keep moving even if it is few small steps and thereby, I never feel tired. But most importantly it is the smile of my daughters that inspire me to get out of bed and try through my writings to change the world that would always be kind to women, children and youth.
When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I love to go the Gym. Or I am watching a movie or listening to song. I love 1980s music. My favorites are Boney M. C. C. Catch and Modern Talking.
How do you discover the ebooks you read?
I think ebooks have changed the world of knowledge. I can access all the latest developments in Scientific knowledge with click of a button.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
Yes, I wrote a story about my Grand Mother when she asked me whether there is really a heaven.
What is your writing process?
Well I use all kinds of mediums including social media, art, movies and books to develop my ideas for writing.
Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?
Well I didn't read the first story. It was a story our father would tell me and my siblings when we were mere toddlers about a kind, brave and compassionate King. Every night he would tell us the bedtime story for 10 minutes and the story would just not end. He told the story to us about the mysterious King for many years to come and every time we used to sleep while wondering what would come next in the great life of the King. Well since our father would love to tell us also about constellation and Greek myths associated with the night sky, we would find clues of the story of the Kind King by looking at the stars in the night sky and connecting them to find new worlds and then wonder about it.
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