Dawood Mamoon

Smashwords Interview

What motivated you to become an indie author?
Well I have a PhD in Economics. Once I read in a Magazine that every good thing that has been done in this world is because of a Woman. So, I wondered why I would like to create a difference in this world. I have two lovely daughters and I want this world to be a better place than it is. In few thousands of years, we have already achieved a lot as a human race. But still issues like equity, digital divide, poverty, happiness still looms and economists like me work on these themes. Few years ago, I thought about it, and I wondered how I can explain the human story in simplest of the ways using my expertise in Economics that is to understand human behavior, nevertheless. So, I started writing. And I have been writing since 2016.
How has Smashwords contributed to your success?
I am a New Bee to Smashwords. I am hoping to become a successful writer.
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Dawood Mamoon's favorite authors on Smashwords

Dawood Mamoon
Latest book: What Do I Want?.
Published April 22, 2024.