Holly Hill Mangin


Holly Hill Mangin was born in Detroit, Michigan but spent the majority of her childhood in and around Corning, New York. She received her Master’s degree in Secondary English Education from Elmira College before moving to France where she now lives on the French Riviera with her French husband and two sons. Currently, Holly teaches English at the Centre International de Valbonne.

When Holly is not with her family or teaching (and sometimes even when she is), you’ll find her reading, writing, trying to better her French, or dreaming about winning big on the lottery even though she never plays.

She would love to hear from you.

Smashwords Interview

Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I do! My grandfather and I were talking one morning about writing (I was about ten at the time). I had on my pajamas, and my grandfather looked at them and said, "You should write a book about the characters on pajamas coming to life." That stuck with me, and it's the first story, a children's story, I wrote.
What is your writing process?
I don't really have one. If the mood strikes me, I'll write. Sometimes I go back and edit after every paragraph. Sometimes, I'll write a few pages and step away for a few days before I come back to edit. If that's the case, I've been known to scrap almost all of what I thought was "great" just a few days before. It all depends.
Read more of this interview.

Where to find Holly Hill Mangin online

Where to buy in print


Series: The Blue Fire Saga, Book 9. Price: $5.99 USD. Words: 61,990. Language: English. Published: September 13, 2017 . Categories: Fiction » Romance » Paranormal » General, Fiction » Fantasy » Paranormal
(3.00 from 1 review)
Limitless is the ninth and final book in the Blue Fire Saga. The fell power beneath the mountain has been unleashed, and Leesa, Rave and their companions must somehow stop it before the entire world is plunged into destruction and decay.

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